Ammonia Tank Level Detection Float Switches

Ammonia Tank Level Detection Float Switches

Level detection in a ammonia tank. Some of the uses of ammonia are: the manufacture of textile fibers and their finishes, papers and coatings, and also used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

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jeudi 6 mars 2025

Level detection in ammonia tank


Ammonia means the basic aqueous solution of ammonia. It can be denoted NH3 • H2O, NH4OH or better aqueous NH3. It is therefore the product of the dissolution of ammonia NH3 in the gaseous state in water.

Some of the uses of ammonia are: the manufacture of textile fibers and their finishes, papers and coatings, and also used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

Thanks to its PTFE cable and its PVDF casing, the TUBA 125C can be used to regulate / detect a level in amonia.

TUBA 125 C

Tubular float level sensors for very agressive liquids

  • Teflon cable (High Resistance)
  • Precise detection due to its +/- 20 ° angle
  • Low diameter 1 "(40 cm) for fit tank
TUBA 125 C
 Fiche technique TUBA 125 C  (PDF 331Ko)
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