Coarse & Fine Screens Float Level Switches ATMI

Coarse & Fine Screens Float Level Switches ATMI

Differential water level measurement for control of screen raking. Float level switches make it possible to regulate the level of water upstream or downstream of a screen, which makes it possible to determine the level of fouling of the screen.

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jeudi 6 mars 2025

Float level switches for coarse and fine screens

Application :

Screening is intended to trap more or less voluminous matter and waste of all kinds contained in the inlet channel of a hydraulic structure or at the stage of pretreatment of domestic wastewater, agricultural wastewater or industrial wastewater, for allow their extraction then storage in bin and evacuation to a treatment channel.

One or more float level switches make it possible to regulate the level of water upstream or downstream of a screen, which makes it possible to determine the level of fouling of the screen.

Recommended Product(s)


Ideal level regulator for wastewater

  • Low switching angle (+/- 25 °) for precise regulation
  • Easy installation
  • No maintenance thanks to the biconical form
 Fiche technique SOBA  (PDF 445Ko)


Ideal level regulator for wastewater

  • Low switching angle (+/- 25 °) for precise regulation
  • Easy installation
  • No maintenance thanks to the biconical form
 Fiche technique SOBA SMALL  (PDF 456Ko)
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