Septic Tank Water Level Regulation ATMI

Septic Tank Water Level Regulation ATMI

septic tank level detection too full in a septic tank for optimizing emptying. Individual or semi-public sanitation systems require regular emptying. Optimized spacing of emptying brings a direct financial gain.

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jeudi 6 mars 2025

Level regulation in septic tank


Individual or semi-public sanitation systems require regular emptying. Optimized spacing of emptying brings a direct financial gain.

Our level regulators in a septic tank  will ensure this optimization of emptying. Indeed, the emptying is launched only when the water level reaches the float when it is located in high level (or alarm).

Recommended Product(s)

SOBA HR HY (High Resistance HYpalon)

Level regulator for aggressive liquids

  • Double shape in HR HY (Hypalon High Resistance)
  • Very precise detection thanks to its angle of +/- 25 °
  • Biconical form: which prevents fouling
 Fiche technique SOBA HR HY  (PDF 454Ko)
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2, avenue des Bosquets
Z.A. de l'Observatoire
78180 Montigny le Bretonneux
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