Solvent Tank Overflow Level Detection ATMI Switches

Solvent Tank Overflow Level Detection ATMI Switches

Overflow level detection in a solvent tank. The storage of solvents used in the chemical industry for the development of complex products requires a level control in order to avoid any risk of overflow.

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lundi 3 février 2025

Level detection in solvent tank


The storage of solvents used in the chemical industry for the development of complex products requires a level control in order to avoid any risk of overflow.

Our float level switchest encased in a HR HY (High Resistance HYpalon) press-vulcanised housing  are intended for the detection / regulation of aggressive liquids such as solvents

Recommended Product(s)

SOBA HR HY (High Resistance HYpalon)

Level regulator for aggressive liquids

  • Double shape in HR HY (Hypalon High Resistance)
  • Very precise detection thanks to its angle of +/- 25 °
  • Biconical form: which prevents fouling
 Fiche technique SOBA HR HY  (PDF 454Ko)

AT 120 HR HY (High Resistance HYpalon)

Level regulator for aggressive liquids

  • Double shape in HR HY (Hypalon High Resistance)
  • Wide switching angle (+/- 120 °) which avoids clogging on the pump
  • Biconical form: which prevents fouling
AT 120 HR HY
 Fiche technique interrupteut de niveau AT 120 HR HY  (PDF 364Ko)

TUBA 125 C

Tubular float level sensors for very agressive liquids

  • Teflon cable (High Resistance)
  • Precise detection due to its +/- 20 ° angle
  • Low diameter 1 "(40 cm) for fit tank
TUBA 125 C
 Fiche technique TUBA 125 C  (PDF 331Ko)
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